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My Reality........

Is to throw on a pair of my favorite skinny jeans and a blouse and not worry how people will judge me and wonder how much I paid for my outfit from head to toe, not have my eyebrows always done, but have on a coat of mascara and a good moisturizer that enhances my natural glow. Going without certain things and not having the latest iPhone because I put my kids needs before mine and paid for sports and activities. Ultimately I feel good pulling up in my paid off sedan vehicle, living in my affordable but cutesy condo, and still putting the puzzle pieces together of my life. For years I was worried about all the wrong things and trying to fake it until I make it, was a major fail. It's so easy to get caught up in the hype of having it all together, because you have to stay strong because you know you have those people checking for you to see if you failed yet. After a while it becomes so exhausting and you have to decide if you're living for the world or living for yourself. I decided that I'm living for me and doing what makes me happy. I'm not going to be made up all the time, so you may see me in the local grocery store on a random Wednesday looking extra regular, still say hey lol. I enjoy posting on social media, but I do not post half the cool things I experience because I'm too busy enjoying the moment and trust me I love when I can enjoy myself and forget about my phone. For years I made up excuses and never went for things I wanted in life and now I'm working on my get back and have a long way to go. So for all the ones that called me basic to make them feel better I'm cool with that, but I'm working on something right now I'll stunt when I'm official. I only want to be surrounded by people who really love me, not people who pretend they do. My reality is me being an everyday girl who's striving to follow all my dreams regardless of all of the things that are in my way. The process is what made me who I am and helped me learned to love myself. Don't let the pressure of society, friends, or family rule your life learn to be in control of your destiny.

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