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Regular Girl Magic

On social media it seems as if everyone is obsessed with having on their best outfits, face beat, and hair flawless. Meanwhile my life is so random and chaotic that I can barely wand curl my hair and throw on some lip balm lol. I’ve never been the cool chic, in school I was a Tom boy who wore Air Force 1's and a bun! Lol I remember being so stoked when I saved up enough money to buy a velour Sean John outfit lol. I was never self conscious about my body and just enjoyed the skin I was in, and then boom one summer day I had on a short set, and someone clowned me about my chicken legs. I don’t think I wore shorts or showed them for years after that. It’s crazy how some random person can say things about your appearance and you start to build a complex about it. I try to keep my hair, nails, and eyebrows maintained but I’m totally not the girl who spends hours to beat my face or purchase current season trends to fit in. I remember not wanting to blog because I didn’t have enough designer fashions and didn’t think I was interesting enough. When and where did I learn that someone else’s opinion of me became more important than my own ? Now I’m like LOOK you're going to get this regular girl magic whether you're ready or not! Lol! If I could tell my younger self anything it would be to never second guess how unique you are and stop comparing yourself to others. For every, your shape is so perfect, how do you stay so thin, you are so beautiful I can’t take my eyes off of you, there is a omg she is so ugly and skinny like a crack head, do she eat ? Gone are the days where I spend my time trying to impress people that have already made up their mind about me. I’m not saying I’m not going to hop up out my bed and turn my swag on from time to time, because when I look good I feel good and then possibilities are endless. I’m just saying that I’m not going to be the girl who will cover up my insecurities with material and beauty to feel accepted by others. It’s going to take some thick skin, but if someone wants to stare at me or my photos and tear me down that’s on them, just keep your opinions to yourself unless you’re offering free help because let’s be honest I don’t know it all.

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