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I find myself making EXCUSES for things instead of making them happen and figuring a way out of no way. I shy away from making a to do list because out of sight, out of mind and that's the fuel I use to go into my shell where I can hide from the world. I used to plan all my activities and events but my anxiety would be through the roof, so now I put things off until they are important. One thing I can say my procrastination has given me patience to deal with things, but I put off a lot of things and take time for granted. I'm guilty for waiting for the perfect moment at the perfect place. In my head this moment will change my life, so I stay perfectly groomed and save the perfect outfit. Most of my epic memories have been random moments that I didn't plan and of course I wasn't wearing the perfect outfit, but the moment was perfect. I let life get in the way of my goals and dreams and I would dwell on all the obstacles in my way. Like what is a girl to do with all these dreams with my situation? The lemons were piling up lol and I couldn't walk around with life being sour and bitter. I promised myself I wasn't going to be the girl that didn't go for it because she didn't have the ideal amount of money it takes, so I used the lemons life threw at me and made lemon water my daily beverage because the health benefits are amazing. If you need that push like I needed ...HERE IT IS!

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